2 Things You Might Be Doing To Sabotage Your Slip And Fall Case

18 December 2014
 Categories: Law, Blog

After you have fallen as the result of a store's negligence, you may already know that you want to seek some kind of settlement for what happened to you. However, if you have never been through this kind of process before, you may be making mistakes that can ruin your chances of a fair settlement. Here are two things you may be doing to sabotage your own case. Not Getting a Lawyer Early On Read More 

Tips For Planning Your Estate

15 December 2014
 Categories: Law, Blog

No one ever likes to talk about death, and you probably don't ever want to consider planning your estate. You probably realize it's important for you to do it, but getting motivated to do so is another story. But planning your estate is a great help to your loved ones, so it quite beneficial if you take the time to make sure everything is in order. Here are a few important things that you should know when planning your estate. Read More 

How A Family Lawyer Can Draft Up An Estate Plan

12 December 2014
 Categories: Law, Blog

Death is an inevitable experience that everyone must go through at some point in life. You can experience death when it is least expected, so you must have an estate plan in place for your protection. In this article, you will find out how a family lawyer can draft up an estate plan on your behalf and the cost to hire one. How Can a Family Lawyer Draft Up an Estate Plan? Read More